The Whitworths of Arizona, bringing science to you in everyday language.

Friday, December 18, 2020


This week I've invited Pat Snyder talk to us about forgiveness. This is a great subject to discuss right now when we are both so distant from so many of our loved one and so crowded up together with those with whom we live day in and day out. With this added stress, anger, blame and other negative emotions get closer to the surface. But expressing them hurts you a lot more than it does the person you are mad at. Let them go! Yes, I know, easy to say! But Pat makes it quite doable.

Here is her 11.5 minute video: Forgiveness 

Take what she tells you and use it! You will feel a lot better, I'm sure. I know I do when I let go and forgive.

We are taking a holiday break and so my next blog won't be until January 8, 2021. Merry Christmas and a Welcome New Year! 

For more information about Lewy body disorders, read our books:
A Caregivers’ Guide to Lewy Body Dementia
Managing Cognitive Issues in Parkinson's and Lewy Body Dementia
Responsive Dementia Care: Fewer Behaviors Fewer Drugs
Lewy Body Dementia: A Manual for Staff

Helen and James Whitworth are not doctors, lawyers or social workers. As informed caregivers, they share the information here for educational purposes only. It should never be used instead of a professional's advice.

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